Monday, May 24, 2010


Leadership is nothing but a power struggle - John Mathew.S

Understanding Power Struggle :

Example 1 : Lets take a family with 2 kids. The eldest one is Halie & the youngest is Andrew. Now, Andrew being the youngest and most mischievous(vulnerable), his parents obviously would have watchful eyes over him and thereby giving him more attention. Now this pushes the eldest kid Halie out from comfort zone and feels a bit neglected and Halie would begin crying often to try and get as much attention as possible from her parents and thereby try to re-establish her comfort zone.

Example 2 :
Lets take a teenager for our next example now and his name would be Mark. When mark is with friends, he tries to earn the "coolest kid of the clan" by showing off his newest tricks, toys, Jokes and so on. He is in a constant process of doing so to remain the coolest kid. He wouldn't let anyone take that place inside his clan as he would be pushed outside of his comfort zone.

Example 3:
There is power struggle in every relationships known to man. At least one of them would point out the mistake of the other which otherwise disturbs the comfort zone and thereby creating an tension/arguments. The boundaries of the comfort zone are re-established with either one compromising or with mutual understanding.

***The idea of the above mentioned examples it to kindle your thoughts to realize leadership behaviors/power struggles around us in almost every situation and to carefully study how each situation is handled by a leader.

Secrets to be a successful leader :

Imagine this. A Cricket team captain should always be positive about the other 10 players and should keep them in the comfort zone. If the comfort zone is disturbed with either one of them, it really affects the teams performance.

The teams successful performance is the captain reward at the end of the day and thereby boosts captains opinion on each individual players. The weakest one is often eliminated/replaced.

The secret of a successful leadership lies in the effectiveness of the leader in managing the comfort zone with the team members and between the team players.

Effectiveness of leadership :

No doubt that leadership is the most effective way known to man to manage/organize/decide the things around him. However, there is certain harm in being a leader for long.

An organizational leader needs to be in the role for specific amount of time to be eligible to moved to the next higher level. The time is often pre-defined by the companies policy.

Similarly, A minister of the state, the Prime Minister/ The President would have to serve a pre-defined amount of time in their role and sometimes they are not allowed to extent them. They are the leaders of the nation and why would the time be limited/Pre-defined. Is it because they need to give others a chance to rule the nation??

It is simply because the effectiveness of the leader decreases over a period of time or rather people do not see him/her a better leader. This thought usually rises over due to the increase in the comfort level of the people while the leader can no longer meet the expectations of the people or see's the expectations as illogical. I must also admit that there has been great leaders who have ruled a nation for almost half a century and there has been nations who has their kings rise & fall often.

As soon as the people do not see him/her as a effective, the person is changed but not the role of the leader.

Is there any another effective way to manage people?????

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