Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amat Victoria Curam - Victory Loves Preparation

From the looks of the picture, please do not assume anything negative. When I first saw this picture, My mind Immediately raced to a story and every bit of the story made senses to me & correlated with the picture. This article is about what went through my mind.

In a gun battle, just imagine you are lying on the ground & your enemy is standing right next to you pointing his gun. You are left with only 1 bullet & you fire your gun just when your gun jam's up and fails to shoot. You wouldn't want that to happen to you right???? A gun requires a good care whether you use it or not and you really have to clean it, grease it and ensure that all of its components are fitted back perfectly and test fired before putting it to use. This will avoid all sort of technical glitches that you may face during heavy use.

Similarly, Victory is not about firing all the bullets at your enemy and taking them them down but its also about saving your own self. Its not about how many enemies have you taken down, or which side has the minimum damages. Its about surviving till end the and living to tell the tale. If you are NOT prepared to win, you cannot win at all.

In life we blame a lot of things on "Fate" but I would only say that you were not really prepared enough/properly for that moment. You simply did not foresee that things could go wrong and thereby was not prepared to handle it. Yes, you cannot control everything around you, but there are somethings that can be though through before hand which will help you be better prepared to lead less troublesome life. You wouldn't run into a situation stuck with 1 bullet and fire it only to realize that your gun is jammed because you did not take proper care of it. Life requires a lot of careful & detailed planning and living each day to stick to the plan and achieve what you set out to do.

So get prepared to win !!!!

John Mathew.S